• + 234 810 589 1274
  • info@attanzeelschools.com
  • Attanzeel Schools, Valley View Estate, Olowojegudu Street, Off Faniyi Street, Off Ebute Igbogbo Road, Ikorodu Lagos.
  • News

    End of Session 2024


    Alhamdulilah Rabil Alameen for another end of session! We are indeed grateful to Almighty Allah for His Mercy, Guidance on us all…. as a family and as an institution. We are equally appreciative of your support both morally and financially. We join you in appreciating Almighty Allah for His provision to discharge your primary responsibilities on your ward(s). We beseech Allah to continually shower His Mercy on your household and uphold you all in the deen.

    We are delighted to be part of your dreams for these children. Whilst we reiterate our commitment to not let you down In shaa Allah, we count on your support and partnership in this regard.

    ACADEMICS (Secular and Arabiyyah)

    The general performance is indeed very encouraging, though we have not reached the zenith but we can confidently say that we are focused and resolute in our pursuit for academic excellence as we are leaving no stone unturned to reach the peak.

    We are however confident that all our children possess the potential for greatness and excellence though in achieving it, strategy and rate might differ but we assure you that all these will manifest in the coming term. We implore parents and guardians to be cautious in condemning or reproaching “below expectation” performances now.

    For the newcomers, they are just getting used to the change in environment and routine. More so, the “pick up rate” are not same for kids but it is certain that with required support, we shall all reach our goals.

    We therefore enjoin our parents to support and complement our efforts during this short break by limiting their exposure to TV and games as these have tendencies of distractions, even though, they still need to unwind.


    As we are all aware that if we leave our Quran for a period, it will leave us for a longer period. We therefore passionately appeal that you monitor the children to thoroughly revise the memorized portion and attempt to learn new ones.

    The pupils are expected to do Murrojah twice a day (MORNING AFTER SUBHI AND EVENING AFTER ASR). Also those in upper Arabiyyah classes who can read from the Quran are to do so for at least 15 minutes daily.


    The children have been given assignments in various subjects. Kindly ensure that they do the assignments.


    We stoutly stand behind our motto of “Nurturing Tomorrow’s Leaders” who are morally upright and we are fully conscious of what this entails. Moral and character building is very cardinal to our program and curriculum.

    In the light of raising compassionate and selfless leaders who will foster the spirit of sharing, love and unity, we do not allow bringing of personal goodies to our pupils outside VISITING AND OPEN DAYS unless such gift will go round all of them. The evil in such act is that it makes other kids covetous and this leads to pilfering which we are now experiencing. Please help us to raise these kids properly by adhering to the rules. Any contraband item found with pupils will be confiscated.

    We implore our esteemed parents not to give items not allowed in school to their ward(s). Items like electronics, which we have seized from children which will not be released until the end of the session.

    More so, the school will not hesitate to suspend or even expel any child with moral decadence. We pray Allah make them coolness of our eyes.



    We thank you for your support in this regard and we beseech Allah SWT to expand your horizon and increase your incomes.

    We however seek for more cooperation as we are running a boarding system. Food and other items needed to take adequate care of the children are bought and paid for in advance. When fees are not paid on time, it creates a lot of issues for us. As an Islamic institution, we cannot obtain interest based loans from banks.


    Going forward, we shall not allow resumption of any kid without evidence of full payment. Where concessions are granted, there must be 80% payment and the balance paid latest by the middle of the term.

    We thank you in anticipation of your cooperation in this regard


    Account details:

    Access Bank
    A/C No: 0056929245
    A/C Name: At-Tanzeel Nur/Pry School


    We want to notify our parents that the school’s promotion criteria are thus:


    Mathematics 55%; and other subjects 60%.


    A total of 60% in all subjects. Any learner who has below these percentages in Mathematics and English will re-sit the exam at a fee; if after re-sit the percentage is still low then the child will have to REPEAT the class. This is to help these learners with solid foundation. We   pray Allah make them coolness of our eyes in this world and in the world after.

    We want parents to understand that every child is unique in his or her own way. Every Parent should understand their children’s ability to learning and help them rise to the challenges which often are gradual. We frown at our learners being over pushed by their parents’ comparison of them with others thus putting the children under stress. The school is not resting on its oars at ensuring that every child reaches his or her full potential and we have therefore kicked off the intervention classes and all concerned parents have been communicated and we shall duly communicate them again.


    The school provided an in house clinic and also has retainership with the hospital managing the clinic. At least, a nurse is available 24/7 at the in house clinic to attend to minor ailments and if need be take them to the hospital for further treatment. We also registered with a standard hospital within 500m radius from the school, all for effective and sound health of our children. There is no doubt that we work hard to maintain the best hygiene for all the children. However, children react differently to several things and  to better prevent crisis and epidemic at the school, we strongly appeal to our dearest parents to pick their wards once they are communicated that their child had developed a communicable disease. This is to protect other children in the school and to enable affected students regain their health without causing distress for others.

    We also wish to use this medium to communicate to our dearest parents that whosoever does not want her ward taken to hospital will need to sign a waiver form without which extra cost incurred from hospital bill will have to be paid.  Of course, we shall not incur any bill without your consent.

    We do not cherish the many situations of over flogging of treatment bills.

    We do not allow body spray or perfume of any type because it affects some children.

    May Allah strengthen every one of us.


    We appeal to our dear parents to please inscribe their ward’s numbers on all personal effects to avoid mix up and enable easy identification.  Any item not properly tagged shall not be accepted from such student.


    We implore our amiable parents to work with the school calendar, as the school frowns at late resumption of learners. This makes it difficult for them to be on the same page with other learners. We pray Allah ease your task.

    We also frown at parents picking their wards before the closing date as the school has planned different activities for these children at different times.


    We are constrained to inform our dear parents that any willful damage to school property on the part of your ward shall be surcharged to the tune of the damage.  We therefore appeal that you help us reinforce the need to handle school property with care in them.


    The school, your school has deployed a lot of resources in this regard and it is our prayer Allah SWT will crown our efforts with success and continue to be our ultimate Guard and Guide.  Please help us to also instill in the kids our new slogan of….. Walk, No running, No sliding, No pushing.  May Allah ease our tasks.


    It is not allowed for any parent to visit other than the open and visiting days unless called upon. Should there be any need to do so, the Head of School must be duly informed with cogent reasons and permission granted at least 2 days before coming. Should you fail to follow this guideline, you may not be allowed to see your ward.


    This is a programme that all children are looking forward to. This year’s excursion promises to be educative and fun. The junior theme is “BROADCASTING” while senior’s is “PRESERVATION OF CULTURE”. The excursion fee shall be included in the bill.

    Senior Category (JSS3 – SS2):

    Idanre Hills(Idanre, Ondo state) and Agodi Park, Ibadan Oyo state

    Middle School Category (JSS1 & 2):

    Globacom Towers(Victoria Island, Lagos State) and Dreamworld Amusement Park(Lekki, Lagos State)

    Elementary Category (Basic 1-6):

    Silverbird Cinemas and TV (Victoria Island, Lagos State) and Dreamworld Amusement Park (Victoria Island, Lagos State).


    The school as a matter of policy does not allow the celebration or marking of birthday within the school in any form such as cutting of cake within or around the school, giving of birthday packs or taking pupils away from school to celebrate. We therefore implore our dear parents to please comply. Aside from the position of Sunnah which is very fundamental, this is to prevent the distraction such activities have on the tone of the school and the strive to outdo one another. We therefore do not accept birthday cakes but we do eat and accept general cakes and goodies for all our children.


    Please let us protect our kids from the evil of participating in this kind of celebration by not releasing them to households in guise of relatives and friends that indulge in this celebration.

    We may enrol them in any of the various Islamic camps organized during this season or simply cherish their brief stay by spending time with them in the comfort of our homes. May Allah protect our faith.  Amin

    Once again, we thank you for your support and beseech Allah SWT to reward us all here and hereafter.


    All parents that are yet to submit the admission forms, halal takaful forms with means of identification, copy of utility bill, parent’s passport and the child’s passport, results of  last class passed and birth certificates of your  children should consider it necessary to bring it along on resumption .


    All pupils/students must come with sandal apart from their black shoes; their black shoes on school uniform, their sandals on house wear and their flip-flops will be meant for bathing.

    Also, all secondary school girls must come with hijabs that cover their buttocks, long black socks, leggings and those menstruating should come with small black nylons to dispose their pads. Majority of them are fond of flushing their sanitary towels, thereby, blocking the toilets.

    We frown at parents attaching anything to our female children’s hair because of Ghusl Hayd (ritual bath after menstruation) and to make those that have not attained maturity age conform strictly to the Islamic teaching that forbids such. Any child guilty of this will not be checked in.

    The boys are to come to school with haircut in line with the deen and no body fitted cloth will be accepted from them.

    Also, those without mosquito nets should come along with them.

    All learners in JSS1 are to resume with the following items:

    Drawing Boards
    Set Square


    NOTE: All leaners in JSS2 and 3 who have spoilt theirs are expected to come with another one.


    • All JSS 3 students should come with NECO BECE past questions by Lasswell.
    • All SSS students should come with WASSCE past questions pack, calculator and four figure table.


    All SSS 1 & 2students must bring their lab coat on resumption if they have not brought before.

    We wish our Great Minds and you their Parents, a very qualitative and enjoyable